Hello there πŸ‘‹

I'm Dhanush

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Mobile App Developer | Winner of 5+ Hackathons | Helping Startups Soar πŸš€ | FOSS Contributor | Fulltime Indie Hacker

Photo of Dhanush Vardhan

01. About Me

Hi there! I'm Dhanush Vardhan, a software engineer who loves diving into mobile app development. My toolbox is packed with cool stuff like Flutter, Node.js, Redis, and more...

I've also had some awesome times speaking at Google IO Extended 2022, Sunhacks 2023 and Coders Evoke, where I talked about Flutter 3.0 and Firebase. Sharing what I know and learning from others is something I really enjoy.

Oh, and hackathons? Totally my thing. I've snagged wins at CalHacks and HackPrinceton, which were both super exciting and challenging.

In a nutshell, I'm all about building neat apps, sharing tech insights, and always up for a good coding challenge!

02. My Experience



Software Engineering Intern


  • Developed and prototyped the Android app using Flutter and Figma, leveraging the Google Maps API and Dialog Flow APIs, and integrated Razor Pay as the payment gateway
  • Developed REST API using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB for the backend, ensuring efficient data management